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Presented by Dr. Pedram Shojai

The Restorative Sleep Masterclass


Discover The 3-Step System that helps busy adults finally get the restorative sleep they crave… even if everything else they’ve tried has failed

Fix your sleep for good. Pick an option below...

Start sleeping better tonight

Deep Sleep Solution
Course Program:

Register now to claim
essential bonuses

Instant Access

Deep Sleep Solution
Comprehensive Detoxification Plan

Deep Sleep Solution
Endotoxemia Plan

Deep Sleep Solution
Adrenal Restoration Plan

Deep Sleep Solution
Diet Plans

Deep Sleep Solution Supplement Program

Video Instruction

Audio Instruction

Full Transcripts


Audio Tracks

Evidence Based Protocol

Tools and Resources

One Year Sleep Plan

Personalized Coaching

Bonus 01:

Instant Access

Bonus 02:

Deep Sleep Solution
Comprehensive Detoxification Plan

Bonus 03:

Deep Sleep Solution
Endotoxemia Plan

Bonus 04:

Deep Sleep Solution
Adrenal Restoration Plan

Bonus 05:

Deep Sleep Solution
Diet Plans

Bonus 06:

Deep Sleep Solution Supplement Program

Bonus 07:

Video Instruction

Bonus 08:

Audio Instruction

Bonus 09:

Full Transcripts

Bonus 10:


Bonus 11:

Audio Tracks

Bonus 12:

Evidence Based Protocol

Bonus 13:

Tools and Resources

Bonus 14:

One Year Sleep Plan


Looking for a more Guided option?

Advanced Deep Sleep
Solution Course Program:

Apply now to claim
everything in the
basic course PLUS:

Looking for a more Guided option?

Advanced Deep Sleep
Solution Course Program:

Apply now to claim
everything in the
basic course PLUS:

Bonus 15:

Ongoing Support

Bonus 16:

A Private Community

Bonus 17:

The Entire Urban Monk Academy

Bonus 18:

Two Amazing Books

Bonus 15:

Ongoing Support

Bonus 16:

A Private Community

Bonus 17:

The Entire Urban Monk Academy

Bonus 18:

Two Amazing Books

Advanced Deep Sleep Solution
Course Program Tuition:


Plus Additional Discounts:

Deep Sleep Solution
Course Program Tuition:


*Payment Plans Available

Plus Additional Discounts:

What our previous students have to say

The Deep Sleep Solution was an experience that brought me to see how much power I have over my sleep and guided me to make significant improvements. I feel grateful to have taken part. I got a lot out of the program, I think the biggest one is my change in attitude towards my sleep. My sleep has improved, but I’ve still got some way to go and I no longer feel hopeless, like I’m stuck in this spot and it will never change. The encouragement I received…helped me to keep working my way through the program, and to realize that I could make changes. And I now have some awesome new recipes to add to my repertoire!
Anonymous Student Survey
10 days into the program I felt noticeably better from using the supplements and doing the liver detox.
Anonymous Student Survey
I was so impressed by the comprehensive nature of The Deep Sleep Solution. The program covers all aspects of sleep and the multitude of things that could be disrupting it, from lifestyle to diet, gut, brain, hormones and beyond. The coaching is top notch and live and recorded programs are highly informative. After many years of not sleeping well, my sleep and my energy levels have significantly improved. I cannot recommend The Deep Sleep Solution highly enough!
Anonymous Student Survey
The breadth, the scope. The program is comprehensive and allows for a full assessment of the person’s wellness on the whole.
Anonymous Student Survey
Good support and fast responses to questions
Anonymous Student Survey
Informative and friendly
Anonymous Student Survey
He is great about imparting knowledge in a digestible manner
Anonymous Student Survey
Always informative. Having the opportunity to ask the expert questions and get feedback. Topics were always very relevant.
Anonymous Student Survey
Even though we’re all unique, I felt camaraderie with the other women, whom I noticed were about my age. Their questions were pertinent to my situation and I don’t feel so alone on this sleep journey.
Anonymous Student Survey

What our previous students have to say

The Deep Sleep Solution was an experience that brought me to see how much power I have over my sleep and guided me to make significant improvements. I feel grateful to have taken part. I got a lot out of the program, I think the biggest one is my change in attitude towards my sleep. My sleep has improved, but I’ve still got some way to go and I no longer feel hopeless, like I’m stuck in this spot and it will never change. The encouragement I received…helped me to keep working my way through the program, and to realize that I could make changes. And I now have some awesome new recipes to add to my repertoire!
Anonymous Student Survey
10 days into the program I felt noticeably better from using the supplements and doing the liver detox.
Anonymous Student Survey
I was so impressed by the comprehensive nature of The Deep Sleep Solution. The program covers all aspects of sleep and the multitude of things that could be disrupting it, from lifestyle to diet, gut, brain, hormones and beyond. The coaching is top notch and live and recorded programs are highly informative. After many years of not sleeping well, my sleep and my energy levels have significantly improved. I cannot recommend The Deep Sleep Solution highly enough!
Anonymous Student Survey
The breadth, the scope. The program is comprehensive and allows for a full assessment of the person’s wellness on the whole.
Anonymous Student Survey
Good support and fast responses to questions
Anonymous Student Survey
Informative and friendly
Anonymous Student Survey
He is great about imparting knowledge in a digestible manner
Anonymous Student Survey
Always informative. Having the opportunity to ask the expert questions and get feedback. Topics were always very relevant.
Anonymous Student Survey
Even though we’re all unique, I felt camaraderie with the other women, whom I noticed were about my age. Their questions were pertinent to my situation and I don’t feel so alone on this sleep journey.
Anonymous Student Survey

This is for any adult with a history of insomnia who wants to enjoy deep, restorative sleep

Disclaimer: The content of this website is based solely on research conducted by The Urban Monk unless otherwise noted. The information is presented “as is” for your educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions or prevent any disease. The Urban Monk has no duty whatsoever to update any information on this website. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on our or as noted other parties’ research and experience. The Urban Monk encourages you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory body. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. If you do not want to be bound by all these terms, please do not use this website. For more information, visit out Privacy Policy and Terms Of Service. Thank you.